Karencita de Perú

About Karen

I was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  In April 2010 I moved to Perú and started a new adventure.  This blog is a history of my experiences living  in a new country and dealing with a new language, new culture and new friends and family.

I hope you find it interesting and that it inspires you to follow your dreams and to take risks in life to attain true happiness.  Most of all I hope it motivates you to travel to Perú and experience this beautiful and fascinating country for yourself!

3 Responses to "About Karen"

My friend Joan Rojas mentioned your blog in her blog. I guess I am not sure exactly what took you to Peru. It sounds like this is your second visit. I read that you left your job in Canada for Peru but are you working there? Was it for love? Is the rest of the story in your blog and I missed it?

Hi Karen, I came across your blog while searching for election information. My husband is Peruvian. I hope you will write more. I am from Ontario, Canada. We visited Lima this past January so all your pictures and information are very vivid in my mind. I now live in the USA. I would love to hear more about your life in Lima now and your life in Vancouver.

Thanks Corinne. I do plan to start writing again soon, so stay tuned!

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Miraflores in Lima Perú